Although the same version of VideoBooth 3 software can run on both standard definition and high definition models the camera control settings requires adjustment to successfully control each camera zoom, brightness, white balance and focus.

If the camera is not responding the adjustments in admin follow the steps below to ensure the correct camera settings are being used.


1. Press the VBtv button in admin to launch the control console application


2. Press the menu button in the top left of the application.


3. Select Configuration and Local.


4. In the configuration under the Video Booth Processing section there are options for the Camera Comm Port and Camera Comm Baud Rate.


5. By default the Comm Port for both SD and HD models should be set to COM3.


6. The Camera Baud rate should be set to 9600 for Standard Definition kiosks and 38400 for High Definition kiosks.


7. Once the changes are made press the Install button to apply these changes.