The event logs for the VideoBooth, Encoder and Uploader applications can be exported using the control console application.


These logs can be exported to a USB drive. Insert your USB drive into the VideoKiosk (refer to your hardware manual for the location of a USB port) and follow the instructions below.


(1) Enter the admin mode of the software by turning the Admin key to the left or pressing CTRL + SHIFT + A on a keyboard


(2) Press on the VBtv button.



(3) The control console application will load.


(4) Ensure the tab for the application you would like the event log for is selection, for example to save the event log for the video booth application select the video booth tab, or for the encoder select the encoder tab.



(5)Press on the menu button located in the top left of the control, a drop down menu will appear.


(6)Select Save Event Log


(7)The software will prompt you to confirm you would like to save the event log from the selected service, press OK


(8)You will now be prompted for a location to save the event log, select your USB drive.


(9) The event log will now be saved.


NOTE: Although the control console can be run from Windows desktop the application or services must be running to be able to save the event log.


Collecting the Debug Logs


If you are requested to supply the debug logs these can be manually copied from within Windows. These are stored in My Documents / VideoBooth Systems / VideoBooth / System /


The system folder is hidden as default, this can be accessed by typing the /system/ folder into the Windows address bar or by turning on the viewing of hidden files and folders in Windows settings.


NOTE: When re-running VideoBooth the event logs will be overwritten, therefore it is vital to collect these logs immediately after quitting the video booth software.